Description: The Canola seed contain one of the healthiest oil in the
world. Industry of food and raw material processors use it
in their products

Destination: Human consumption
Packing: In Bulk / In bags

Technical Specification Units Range
Fat content as is basis % Min. 42.0
Acidity % Max. 1.5
Moisture % Max. 9.0
Foreign Matter % Max. 2.0
Glucosinolates umol/G Max 30
Alive Insects Presence Absent
GMO % Less than 0.5

Foreign matter, Organoleptic and microscopic characteristics:

Odor: Characteristic of the product, Free from rancid odor or any
other odor evidencing bad condition of the product or

Color: Characteristic of the product, black.

Aspect: Uniforms seeds. Free of metal particles, substances strange
and pests.

Traceability made by First Class Suerveyor Company

Organic Certification under OIA

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We are currently base in 4 countries in the world and we do ship from all the verious countries, We are in Ghana, Ukraine, USA and Malasia

MANILA, Philippine

Sarawak, malaysia

takoradi, ghana

california, usa

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